Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Tugas Surat Undangan Peresmian Rumah Makan

Nama          : Abhina Sakti D
NPM          : 10207007
Kelas          : 4EA03
Mat.Kul      : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Dear Gita :
            I would like to invite you to attend the inauguration ceremony of new restaurants that I created. Which will be held on:
Day / Date       : Sunday, 11 August 2011
Time                : 12.00 wib s/d finished
Place                : in the Atrium Bogor Residents no. 23.
                          Bogor Selatan.
            I hope, you can come to the event. Thank you  for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Abhina Sakti D
President and CEO 

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